Scrub hats are fashion accessories in the dull world of operating theatre. OT attires are generally dull grey or blue which is usually drab looking. For the OT fashionistas the only different thing will be the caps. Caps are needed to keep the hair in check - preventing stands dropping into the sterile wound hence is needed to minimise OT infection or contamination.
Recently I got the idea of making my own scrub hats after seeing so many of the anesthetic team wearing their own hats instead of the usual disposable ones. Apparently, they buy these online from eBay and usually ends up getting them from the USA or the UK. Getting inspiration from McDreamy and A Gifted Man, I searched for nice looking patterns online; ended up purchasing a set of patterns of various hats. However, I had to tweak the patterns to my liking.
After spending so much on patterns and fabric I decided to sell the hats to my friends - mainly to cover the costs of my sewing hobby and addiction to fabric.Currently, I have 2 patterns that I make regularly i.e. female all elasticated hats and male tieback version.
If anyone is interested, they can see my FB album for the fabric choices
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