Saturday, September 14, 2013

Make and Do

It is nearly a year since my last post.
Have I been crafting all that time? Oh yes, of course.

I have not been sewing as much as my boy (now 2 1/2 years) demands my full attention and company. Plus he gets hyper-excited when he hears the noise from the sewing machine. However, I have been up to other stuff i.e. learning wire jewelry, dabbling in stringing up beads and charms and lately making again fabric flowers (this time using an idiot proof flower loom and mini knit set).

I have decided to revive this blog to document stuff I will be making especially simple home crafts for kids. This is for the benefit of my niece who has turned 6 recently and also my friends' children who may be interested in making their own stuffs.

Many parents ask where I get my stuff or where I learned all these crafty things and I must say, I have an encouraging and inspiring mom. She let me use her sewing machine to make Barbie dresses, wallets and bags when I was younger. She even took me to Mun Loong (a famous fabric shop in Jalan TAR) in the 80s and let me choose the fabric I wanted to make my own vest (that was the rage at that time). I also used to tag along to the sewing supplies shop and always I get to buy some beads, buttons, ribbons etc to use in my 'projects'.

And she also bought us (well, the book was supposed to be shared with my older brother) a set of kids' encyclopedia which INCLUDES a volume called 'Make & Do'. That was my primary reference and also my inspiration and it became the most USED book in the whole collection

I have no idea where the book is now. I guess it may be still in the old house. But I have decided to re-live my childhood 'crafty' experiments here so others can also enjoy them.

Hopefully, I can write one post per week. *Fingers crossed*